Boardwalk leading to beach Boardwalk leading to beach Boardwalk leading to beach

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Is your home ready for the cooler months? Get fall ready with this helpful checklist.


√ Clean The Gutters. Remove leaves and any other debris that has fallen in the gutters. Check for parts that are sagging or need replacing.


√ Inspect Roof. Look for cracked or missing shingles, and check for signs of leaks such as wet areas in your attic. You’ll want to know you have a problem before winter arrives!


√ Check Furnace & Chimney. Make sure your chimney is clean and clear and check your furnace or gas heater to be sure that everything is operating smoothly and safely for the coming months.


√ Winterize Mower. Thoroughly clean your mower and replace any parts that became worn over the summer so that your mower will be ready to go in the spring.


√ Safety Check. Make sure that all fire alarms and other safety monitors are working properly and replace batteries if needed.


√ Rake Leaves. Fall leaves are colorful and beautiful, but once they have completely covered your yard, they can inhibit the growth of your grass and clog gutters.


√ Mind The Gap. Check for gaps and holes in your home that could enable mice and other pests to sneak into your home.


√ Tree Care. Trim dead tree branches to prevent damage to your home during storms.


Check out the Fall Home & Garden issue of The Guide to prep for autumn with services and deals from local businesses!