Boardwalk leading to beach Boardwalk leading to beach Boardwalk leading to beach

Small Business Advice

Small Business Advice

Digital Display Advertising: Unlocking the Power of Visual Storytelling

Digital display advertising has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their target audience. With its ability to captiv ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses operate and reach their target audience. It offers numerous benefits tha ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Interview Dos and Don'ts for Job Seekers and Employers

A successful interview benefits both job seekers and employers. Such an interview increases the likelihood that a qualified cand ...[more]

Small Business Advice

How to Attract the Best Candidates for Your Business

(StatePoint) As most business owners know, one of the most valuable assets your enterprise needs to thrive is top-notch talent. ...[more]

Small Business Advice

3 Fun Event Ideas That Can Benefit Local Businesses

The shop local movement is a worthy endeavor. A thriving Main Street can foster a sense of community, encourage entrepreneurs yo ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Pay it Forward: Local Businesses Can Help Each Other

The power of small businesses is immense. However, starting a small business is no easy venture. The financial resource Fortunly ...[more]

Small Business Advice

How Consumers Can Help Small Businesses

Small businesses continue to be the backbone of the North American business community. According to the career resource Zippia, ...[more]

Small Business Advice

5 Tips to Consider Before Starting a Start-Up

Building a small business from scratch can be an exciting endeavor that poses some significant challenges. With the right resour ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Tips for Small Businesses to Not Only Survive, But Thrive

(StatePoint) Small businesses are the heartbeat of communities. They pump life into neighborhoods, making them vibrant places to ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Ways Local Businesses Give Back to Their Communities

There are 30.7 million small businesses in the USA, which account for 99.9% of all U.S. Businesses. The Small Business Ad ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Pandemic Practices That Small Businesses Should Continue

The rollout of COVID-19 vaccines that began in late 2020 has allowed many parts of the world to begin to resume life somewhat li ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Ways Small Businesses Can Use Tech to Their Advantage

Small businesses are vital cogs in the economy. When taking a stroll down a typical Main Street in the United States, shoppers a ...[more]

Small Business Advice

How to be More Efficient With Your Time

A time crunch is no stranger to many adults. Busy professionals balancing work and their personal lives often wish there was mor ...[more]

Small Business Advice

How Small Businesses Can Plan for Financial Uncertainty

The uncertainty wrought by the pandemic has affected people from all walks of life. In the winter of 2019-20, the outbreak of th ...[more]

Small Business Advice

How Small Businesses Can Prepare for the Holiday Season

As unpredictable as this year has been, it can be challenging for small businesses to plan ahead. However, small businesses can ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Staying Connected with Customers While Social Distancing

Social distancing guidelines forced many businesses to change the way they interact with their customers. Businesses deemed non- ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Small Business Marketing Strategies

Small businesses are the backbone of our local community. These businesses have helped to revitalize many small towns and may be ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Managing Your Online Reputation

What happens online stays online. That’s the adage of digital life in the 21st century. This is doubly true for business ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Make Your Office More Energy Efficient

The benefits of making your office more energy efficient are numerous and include helping the planet by preserving n ...[more]

Small Business Advice

7 Simple Rules for Better Customer Interactions

As a small business, the way you interact with your customers can make or break your business. Below are several simple rules to ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Marketing Myths & Misconceptions

The one-size-fits-all marketing approach has never been effective, especially for small businesses. Small businesses are as un ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Choosing the Right Color for Your Brand

When choosing a color for your logo and branding, it can be easy to choose a color based on personal preference or whimsy. How ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Score Big This March

March Madness isn’t just for the court. Your business can utilize the energy and excitement surrounding March Madness to ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Take Action Against Cold Weather Risks

Winter can create a lot of risks for small businesses. Make sure your business is prepared during the coldest days of winter. ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Make Your Business Shine Bright This Holiday Season

We all tend to get caught up in the frantic energy of Christmas, but the holiday season doesn’t stop there. Keep your ho ...[more]

Small Business Advice

6 Simple Ways to Help Your Business Shine this Small Business Saturday

It’s the most wonderful time of the year - especially for small businesses. Small Business Saturday is a wonderful opportu ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Cyber Safety Tips For Home & Office

We use locks on our doors and windows, and take care to make sure that our homes and offices are secure. So why do we leave th ...[more]

Small Business Advice

How to Establish and Grow Your Personal Brand

Usually, when you hear the term branding, you think of businesses and corporations. However, branding is critical for the surv ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Boost Your Summertime Productivity

If you thought staying motivated in the office during the winter was rough, that was nothing compared to the challenge of main ...[more]

Small Business Advice

How to Stand Out From Your Competition

In the age of multimedia advertising, it is paramount that your business stand out from your competition. Your customers have ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Office Posture Survival Tips

You may have heard the new adage “sitting is the new smoking”. While this isn’t at all an accurate compariso ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Sustainable Small Business

Now more than ever it is important that your business aligns itself with the values of your customers. Individuals are becomin ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Spring Cleaning Strategies for the Office

When spring arrives, many of us turn our attention to spring cleaning. We focus on our home, yard, and vehicles, but what abou ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Managing Stress At Work

Are you feeling stressed at work? Stress can cause a tangled mess of physical and mental symptoms that will take a toll on your we ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Advertising Dos and Don’ts

“Creative without strategy is called art. Creative with strategy is called advertising” – Jef I. Richards Sma ...[more]

Small Business Advice

5 Productivity Tips for a Better Work Day

Are you getting the most out of your work day? Some days it might seem like there is more on your to-do list than could possibly b ...[more]

Small Business Advice

10 Ways to Feel More Energized at Work

Have you ever fallen victim to the mid afternoon slump? Even the most driven and motivated people can get hit with fatigue at ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Fall Marketing Ideas

As summer comes to a close, keep the summer momentum going at your business with fresh marketing ideas for fall. Fall is a tim ...[more]

Small Business Advice

5 Ways to Help Your Business Grow This Spring

Spring is a time of growth, and that growth shouldn’t be limited to just plants. Take this time of awakening and renewal ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Advertising for Small Businesses - It is a MUST

Here at The Guide, we know advertising. We’ve been around since 1959, and we’re not going anywhere. So take our wo ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Celebrating 57 Years

This week marks 57 years of The Guide. From our beginnings as a small advertising flyer, to where we are today, has been a jou ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Eating Healthier at Work

It’s no secret that eating right benefits your mind, body, and can help you focus and perform better at work. However, i ...[more]

Small Business Advice

Attract Tourists to Your Business This Summer

It’s no surprise that the tourism industry is booming on Delmarva. Our rich history, beautiful beaches, and tax free sho ...[more]